Figure 1. Common placements of Shutter Button (red), Mode Dial (green), and Command/Main Dial (blue). Canon on left. Nikon on Right.
Figure 2. Common placements of LCD Screen (red), Viewfinder Eyepiece (green), Diopter Dial (yellow), and Menu Button (blue). Canon on left. Nikon on Right.
Figure 3. Comparison of digital sensor sizes
Figure 4. Colors created when pure red light, blue light, and green light are combined
Figure 5. Measurements of 35mm film
Figure 6. Path light takes in a dSLR depending on mirror position
Figure 7. Move the diopter dial to fine tune the viewfinder focus
Figure 8. Cutaway view of a camera lens
Figure 9. A. Wide angle of view at 18mm B. Normal angle of view 50mm C. Small angle of view 135mm
Figure 10. Headshot at 18mm B. Headshot at 55mm
Figure 11. Where to find the minimum focal distance on your lens
Figure 12. 32 gigabyte SD memory card with a 60MB/s read speed (left) and 32 gigabyte CompactFlash card with a 120MB/s read speed (right)
Figure 13. Protective card holder